To strengthen collaborations with mining industry partners, maintain and build wider connections into mining community that are valuable for the members
Founded in 2006, Women in Mining UK (WIM UK) advocates and speaks for women in the mining sector, informing industry participants and decision-makers of the challenges and opportunities women are finding in pursuing careers in mining companies and other mining-related businesses.
The biennial WIM100, which was launched by Women in Mining UK in 2013, highlights the wealth of female talent within the global mining industry, celebrates their “above & beyond” contributions to the industry, and identifies role models for future generations.
GMAC was associated with the biennial “100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining”. GMAC is encouraging Chinese women to the nominate.
GMAC协助“全球矿业女性”组织(WIM, Women In Mining)开展“全球矿业百名励志女性”提名活动, 此项活动是对积极投身于矿业行业并作出杰出贡献的女性所给予的最高荣誉和认可。GMAC鼓励广大中国矿业领域女性工作者积极参与提名。
Download Latest Edition of 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining
AusIMM is the peak body and trusted voice for all people working in the resources sector. Founded in 1893 and operating under Royal Charter, today AusIMM represents 65,000 resources professionals from all backgrounds within the sector. We proactively take a leadership position to upskill and raise the professionalism of the global mining industry.
AusIMM (澳大拉西亚矿业与冶金学会)成立于1893年,是澳大利亚资源领域最具领导力和影响力的权威机构,代表着65,000名来自领域内方方面面的专业人士。AusIMM积极主动发挥其行业领导作用,提升全球矿业行业的技能和专业水平。
GMAC and AusIMM (Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) signed a MOU on Oct 18, 2018. The MOU will provide Chinese and Australian mining professionals with professional development opportunities, networking events and access to seminars and training.
This course was developed by the AusIMM in partnership with GMAC and is the only JORC course conducted in Chinese and endorsed by the AusIMM. This training is essential for all Chinese mining industry professionals who are engaged in the global mining industry. It is especially relevant for technical, legal, financial, BD and management.
世界知名行业协会澳大利亚矿山与金属协会(AusIMM) 作为JORC标准的编写者之一,与GMAC合作,首次正式在中国官方授权开设关于JORC标准的培训课程,是唯一由AusIMM认可并授权的中文JORC报告规范培训课程。 对参与国际矿业事务的中国矿业专业人士来说,了解JORC报告规范是必不可少和至关重要的,尤其它与技术、法律、财务、市场拓展和管理等多个领域关联。
The Melbourne Mining Club, founded in 2001, is a not-for-profit organization formed by a volunteer-based Steering Committee to promote the minerals and resource industry. Industry leaders, executives and associates from the resources sector make up the club’s 3,000+ membership.
GMAC and MMC signed a MOU in August, 2019 for a consistent goals to boost the broad mining industry in both countries for the mutual benefit of the industry globally as well as in their respective country.
【News 新闻动态】| 祝贺 The Melbourne Mining Club (MMC) 成立20周年!附纪念书籍免费下载链接!
China Mining Association, founded in 1990, is a national social group and non-profit social organization which was formed by enterprises, public institutions, mining related industrial associations, local mining associations, mining related scientific research institutions or academies and individuals that lawfully engaged in mineral resource exploitation, exploration and utilization in China.
为促进我国矿业领域的对外交流与合作,原国土资源部从1999年开始举办中国矿业国际研讨会,2005年正式更名为中国国际矿业大会,至今已成功举办了二十三届,与加拿大勘探与开发者协会(英文简称:PDAC)、南非国际矿业大会(英文简称:MINING INDABA)和澳大利亚挖掘者与交易商大会(英文简称:DIGGERS AND DEALERS)并称为全球四大矿业盛会。
三匠联合国际会展(北京)有限公司是具有国际化背景的专业会展和企业公关传播公司,专注于矿业、能源及金融领域 . 主营业务包括国际会展览组织、企业品牌推广传播、出境参会展组织等系列服务。
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