GMAC Intro. & App. Form 简介与会员申请表 (2020) (pdf)
DownloadMembership is open to companies as well as individuals. They should be a mining company or a provider to the industry such as an exploration consultant, an equipment manufacturer or supplier, a procurement company, a commodity trader or in banking, advisory, HR, legal or other service to the mining sector.
会员身份向公司及个人开放。可以是矿业公司或是相关服务的提供者,如勘探咨询公司、 设备制造及贸易公司、采购服务公司、贸易公司、银行、咨询公司、人力资源服务公司、律所及其他与矿业领域相关的公司和个人。
There are three categories of fees: 会员分为以下三种:
Foundation Membership 高级会员、General Membership 普通会员、Affiliate Membership 关联会员
Members’ Benefits 会员权益
Free for GMAC events, such as but not limited to GMAC monthly meeting, forums, and cocktail events. 免费参加 GMAC 组织的各类活动,包括但不限于每月例会、高峰论坛、酒会等。
As Foundation Member, you will be given priority to any opportunities arises and company logo will be presented on GMAC materials. Some events, especially those of senior level meetings and events offer limited tickets, will be available to foundation members only.
高级会员将获得各种机会的优先权。公司标识将出现在 GMAC 的各种印刷品及宣传资料上。某些高层论坛或名额有限的活动会仅面向高级会员开放。
Affiliate membership opens to Chinese companies only. Affiliate members have no voting rights and no seat at the board.
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